10 Cutting-Edge Customer Engagement Tools to Wow Customers

Engaging customers is mission-critical for providing incredible service, fueling loyalty, and growing your business. But traditional tactics just don’t cut it anymore.

Luckily, many game-changing customer engagement tools exist to step up your game. This article explores 10 options to engage and wow customers across the entire lifecycle.

For each tool, we’ll cover an overview, benefits, use cases, and examples. Let’s dive in and take your customer engagement to the next level.

1. Live Chat

Live chat capabilities on your website enable real-time conversations between customers and agents through text, images, and links. This provides instant support, avoids phone tag, and qualifies leads without customers ever leaving your site.


  • Increased conversion rates
  • Lower service costs
  • Higher satisfaction
  • More leads

Use Cases

  • Providing customer support
  • Guiding shoppers through purchases
  • Answering product questions
  • Collecting quick feedback

For example, a site visitor could get sizing help from a chat agent, leading to a sale. Or someone with a question could get it answered instantly instead of calling.

2. Co-Browsing

Co-browsing allows agents to see and control a customer’s screen during support calls with permission. This enables visually guiding customers through tasks, troubleshooting together, and collaborating on forms.


  • Increased first contact resolution
  • Reduced handle times
  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • Lower customer effort

Use Cases

  • Walking customers through website tasks
  • Diagnosing and fixing technical issues
  • Helping customers fill out complex forms
  • Showing customers how to do activities

For example, an insurance agent could guide a customer through updating their policy visually. Or a technician could control a user’s system to resolve device issues.

Free Case Study: How Co-Browse Boosts KPIs


3. Virtual Showrooms

Virtual showrooms enable interactive 3D demos, simulations, and live video demonstrations during interactions.

Customers can explore tailored visuals as agents showcase offerings. This includes 3D models, product configurators, augmented reality, and live video demos.


  • Higher engagement
  • Reduced misunderstandings
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Improved satisfaction

Use Cases

  • Interactive 3D product demos
  • Augmented reality experiences
  • Customizable configurators
  • Live video product showcases

For example, furniture sellers could allow customizing designs in 3D models. Agents could also live stream video demos of products in real-time during calls.

4. Video Streaming

Video streaming allows agents to broadcast personalized video content during customer interactions. This brings products and services to life through dynamic visual demos tailored to each customer.


  • Visual demos increase understanding
  • Personalized videos boost engagement
  • Demand generation through videos
  • Higher conversion rates

Use Cases

  • Live video sales pitches and calls
  • Streaming product tutorials
  • Creating video testimonials
  • Screensharing video calls

For example, an agent could provide a live video tour of a car to a prospective buyer. Or they could stream a personalized tutorial for using a software product.

5. Customer Surveys

Online surveys collect first-hand feedback from customers on experiences, needs, and satisfaction. This provides insights to improve offerings and demonstrate you listen.


  • Identifying pain points
  • Measuring sentiment
  • Driving engagement
  • Gathering insights

Use Cases

  • Post-purchase satisfaction surveys
  • Website polls
  • Email surveys
  • In-app surveys

For example, a hotel could email guests a survey after checkout to uncover areas for improvement.

6. Co-Creation Tools

Co-creation tools enable customers to collaborate on content like videos, reviews, and ideas. This engages them in creative processes and crowdsources authentic user-generated content.


  • Authentic content from real users
  • Wider variety of content
  • Increased engagement
  • Brand advocates

Use Cases

  • Crowdsourcing video libraries
  • Getting customer reviews
  • Collaborating on product ideas
  • Co-creating contests

For example, a software company could invite users to submit product demo videos.

7. Social Media Management

Social media management systems enable managing all social profiles and interactions from one dashboard. This consolidates work, responds quickly to customers, and analyzes performance.


  • Increased brand awareness
  • Growing follower counts
  • Reduced service costs
  • Identifying new audiences

Use Cases

  • Scheduling and publishing content
  • Monitoring brand mentions
  • Running social ad campaigns
  • Engaging followers

Brands should maintain active social presences and regularly interact with followers.

8. Interactive Content

Interactive content like assessments, calculators, and quizzes boosts engagement through personalized experiences. This content captures data to provide tailored recommendations while simplifying complex topics.


  • Simplifies complex topics
  • Generates high-quality leads
  • Creates shareable moments
  • Drives high consumption

Use Cases

  • Product finder quizzes
  • ROI calculators
  • Assessments for recommendations
  • Product configurators

For example, a software company could offer a quiz to match customers with the ideal apps and features.

9. Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs provide incentives and perks to encourage repeat business. Members earn points, rewards, and access in return for ongoing engagement.


  • Drives repeat purchases
  • Reduces churn
  • Creates brand advocates
  • Builds long-term relationships

Use Cases

  • Points rewarding engagement
  • Tiered programs
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Relevant rewards

For example, airlines offer frequent flyer miles, while retailers create birthday rewards clubs.

10. Online Communities

Online communities like forums and social networks foster engaged user bases connecting around topics and brands. Members interact, get questions answered, share content, and form relationships.


  • Ongoing discussions and content
  • Reduced service costs
  • Customer insights
  • Brand advocates

Use Cases

  • Product forums
  • Social networks for sharing
  • Groups for Q&A
  • Superfan groups

For example, a software forum could enable users to discuss products and assist each other.

Level Up Your Customer Engagement

This list of 10 powerful options demonstrates the range of cutting-edge tools available to engage and wow customers with smooth, personalized interactions.

Select solutions that best align with your goals and integrate them into your processes and tech stack. With the right platforms and strategies, you can provide next-level engagement throughout each touchpoint in the customer journey – leading to satisfaction, loyalty, referrals, and growth.

Let’s chat about how we can help you implement the ideal tools for your unique needs. Our team is ready to help assess your current landscape, develop winning engagement strategies, and take your customer experiences to new heights.

Free White Paper:
How to Turn Your Cost Center into a Profit Center

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